Wednesday, September 17, 2008


For a couple in China.. desperately needs many Prayers.
You will have to copy and paste.. trying to post this fast:

Sunday, April 6, 2008

up and running...

you can officially go to our new blog (and bookmark it to your favorites).
" Table For Six "
feel free to add it to your website :O) (if you are in the adoption community)


I am currently searching for a blogmakeover person :O).. so I look forward to the changes on that as well!


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Please please continue to pray for this family. Andrew had brain and leg injuries.

I pulled this off Barbie's site - who pulled it off Anna's site.

This is an update on Andrew from Kathy this morning. He had another surgery yesterday (his third) and the news is encouraging. God does hear our prayers!!

Yesterday went well and we're playing the waiting game now but with everyday the leg is keeping infection at bay and the blood flow is well. We're winning the battle. We hope to continue uphill. The foot mobility won't be addressed for awhile. It's still intact but the nerves were lost so that will be next but we have to make sure the leg stays functioning. Please tell everyone thanks for the prayers and please continue them for us. We have witnessed a miracle in the making.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Please Pray for a friends child

a friend needs prayers.
Her 16 yr old son was in a car accident. Please pray for him and the family. I don't want to write names on here without her permission, he is in the hospital and the last I heard - he was rough shape.
Please pray for this family. God will know who you are lifting up.
Thank you so much.
Please continue to lift them in prayer and I will try to keep you posted.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

man, Table for Six was taken as a wwww.tableforsix... name but I did grab it as
"liu" in Chinese is "six" so it is all good. AND I am partially to it b/c it was Sophia's nickname in China. Her Ayi called her Xiao Liu - Little Six.

Okay, it is official "Table for Six" is it. The heading and link will be Table for Six but if you type it in you will have to type in

Ohhh don't peek yet... I am not finished making it pretty for you... come on.. you can wait another week... I still need to do a couple more things... :O))) don't peek.. and you know I will know... b/c i have a counter! hehehehe

Thursday, March 20, 2008

new blog name...

"Table for Six" is going to be our new blog name...

what do you think?? if it stinks.. let me know before we switch it over... or forever hold your peace... I hope you give comments.. unlike the comments you gave in helping selecting the name.. hint hint.. meaning only ONE friend participated... hhhmmmmmm

Computer CRASH.>>>

My computer crashed... last week and I am so thankful that I was in the middle of doing the taxes... :O) i deciced to look at old tax years (2005 to be exact) and found my laptop paperwork!! WOOHOO Praise God! Guess what! My laptop has a few months left on the warrenty! Dell sent someone out this week. The Tech man said it would have cost us over 600 dollars to fix the problem.. uuhhh no way not me... heheheh Thank you DELL! The Lord was taking care of me in 2005 when that extra warrenty was being offered at a 2 for one deal and I took it (as my husband laughed!) b/c HE knew we would be adopted Drew and wouldn't have the money to spend on a computer jam! YEA!! He takes care of the littlest details!
I am so thankful b/c thousands of photos are on this laptop.. I have to back them up.. I will be working on that.. before i get in hot water again... Warning!!

will you pray for us? please be in prayer for the sell of our home (quickly). please be in prayer for our friends that our leaving for China next week to adopt their daughter!
thank you!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

thinking about adoption?

1. The fact that there are 143 million children without a parent to kiss them goodnight has made you lose sleep.

2. You realize DNA has nothing to do with love and family.

3. You can't watch Adoption Stories on TLC without sobbing.

4. The fact that, if 7% of Christians adopted 1 child there would be no orphans in the world, is convicting to you.

5. You spend free time surfing blogs about families who have experienced the blessing of adoption.

6. It drives you crazy when people ask you about adopted child's "real" parents.

7. You have ever been "pregnant" with your adoptive child longer than it takes an elephant to give birth.(2 years!)

8. You had no idea how you would afford to adopt but stepped out in faith anyway, knowing where God calls you He will provide.

9. You have ever taken an airplane ride half-way around the world with a child you just met.

10. You believe God's heart is for adoption.

11. You realize that welcoming a child into your heart and family is one of the most important legacies you could ever leave on this earth.

12. You know what the word "Dossier" means, and you can actually pronounce it!

13. You have welcomed a social worker into the most private parts of your life.

14. You shudder when people say your child is so lucky that you adopted them, knowing full well you are the blessed one to have him or her in your life.

Author Unknown

(copied from a blog that copied it from another blog)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I am so excited for our friends!!!!!!! They received their referral today. She called me at 12:30 and I rushed over (one whole long street LOL) and on that computer screen staring at us was the beautiful photo of their 7 month old daughter!
I AM SO GIDDY you would think Alice and I were related or something. HAHAHA. They have waited so LOOOOOOONNNNGGG and she says now.. LILY was totally worth the wait. It is so hard while we are going through any process, yet with God we can and will get to the other side. He is faithful. Today, so many dreams have come true for our dear friends.
Congratulations Alice and Wade. May God bless you as He forms your family!
AND congratulations to ALL the families that received referrals this week!
to see her photo go to Rumor Queen ( )and then under "babies" (march 3rd post) and then listed under the blog of "Lily Rolaine" (it is Alices sister-in-laws blog). Isn't she a pretty baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Referrals are about to come for some!

I am so excited! Our friends are about to become parents to a child that lives in China. They are a LID 12/29/05! They have waited so long and we have prayed with them along the way. They have prayed with us as our journey has taken us to Daniel and now Drew and they have supported us and loved us as they patiently waited on God's timing for their child. I am beyond excited that within days they will hold the photo of their daughter! It gives me goosebumps when I think about it! I can't wait to see who she is, where she is, how old she is, what her name is, just everything about her. We already have a sitter ready for the entire week (not sure which day the referal will come in) so the adults can go to Texas Roadhouse for yummy steak celebration! Did I tell you how EXCITED I am? WOOHOO I am so giddy i can hardly stand it!

What a beautiful day!

This past week was haaaarrrd... I was missing our son in China.. Sarah Grace was leaving notes on my mirror and having Sophia "delivering telegrams" to me that said, "I love a little orphan boy in China and his name is Drew" and "When will they let Drew come home".. notes like that.
So as I was trying my best to be strong for her, I was really weak. I was looking on the "shared list" for one agency and this precious little boy was there, okay TONS of precious children, so I inquired about this one little boy - however, my inquire didn't go through (I didn't know it at the time). The next day I received a letter in the mail from a lady at church and it was nothing but scripture verses. The very first one started out ... BE STILL, KNOW THAT I AM GOD! THen I called and found out my inquiry didn't go through and another agency "locked" the little boy! What a great week. I smiled. I knew that God was telling me to be patient (not my strong suit). I knew that God was telling me to sit down and be still.
THEN as I was crying yesterday b/c I was so bewildered at the time this was taking to figure everything out, today as I woke up I went to check our email and his little chubby checks were there. In the precious outfit we sent - playing with the truck we sent.. ohhhhhhhhhhhh my heart by still. He is so precious. I just want him home. However, God knows these FIVE photos will hold me tight for a little longer. It is so good to see his smiling little face. aaahhhhh. What a beautiful day.

PS.. my house just went on the market ~ there is no stress like selling a home! Please be in prayer fo rhte sell of our home. Thanks~

Friday, February 22, 2008

Looking for a new blog name!

I love the name of our blog. However, I am looking for a new name. I want your help! i am looking for one that is "catchy" and lets people know this blog is about adoption. When I started this blog, it was completely about our missions trip so the name fit( plus we will have 6 soon :O)).
Now the blog has rolled into an adoption blog..
Any ideas out there?

What adoption? Chip in who?? Who is Drew?

I have had several friends and cyber friends email me over the last few days and week to inquire about what is going on! :O) I haven't posted much on this blog about our adoption and who is Drew that is mentioned in the sidebar "chip in". Oh and what is a chip in? So I will so my best to tell you what I can.
In September 2005, God placed in my dreams a little boy. He is absolutely precious. I continued to pray about this dream that would not go away. The little boy was so "real" to me. I couldn't shake the feeling that the little boy in the dream was our son however, D1 was on his way home (we were waiting on TA) and he was most definitely not the boy in the dreams. The boy in the dreams had a different SN (special need) and looked completely different, yet he was Chinese. Bob and I were at the time, "done". Then, fast forward and yes I am leaving several things out but I have to for now b/c I have to save some details for later b/c they are so good that it will spoil the story for later!
Anyway, in Oct of 2006 Bob and I felt the call - okay that is mildly putting it.. we felt the URGENT, overwhelming power of God in our lives to adopt from China again. So much for being "done". :O))) And let me be the first to say, I am not done until God says I am.
For our adoption with Sophia, we received a life changing grant from Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife Mary Beth and the Shaohannah's Hope Foundation. There were days, I would weep to our Lord and ask Him how on earth we would be able to bring her home in time b/c the money just wasn't there.. then the money just appeared. God had to show us what faith and trust was all about during that adoption. With Daniel we were in a much better financial situation. We saved every penny over the two years and were prepared for the agency cost, ect.. We also put away the tax money from Sophia's adoption and it all worked out. We didn't apply for any grants and we helped others financially with their adoptions. Just as it was done to us. Now with little Drew not even a year later (actually, now b/c of paper work and all the what nots, we celebrated our year home with Daniel on Jan 30th) we didn't' quite have time to prepare. We have filled out grant paperwork and haven't heard back from them. It is harder now, b/c as you know, you have to be in a certain place to actually adopt from China yet you have to be in another place to get a grant.. it is almost a catch 22.
We are moving out of state in June and selling our home (moving on a military base). We have had to do a couple of upgrades to the house. So that depleted a "couple dollars". And just found out that we would "Break even" on the house. D1 is growing like a weed and has no clothes that fit him (please tell me, do boys grow that fast all the time? hahahahahhah)Well, you know, just everyday life. But we are trying to bring our son home. Our son, D2 is a special needs child. He is waiting in China for us and we are here in the US waiting for him. HE does have a correctable SN.
The 'chip in' is a Pay Pal account that allows you to donate towards bringing home our son. This will be our 3rd adoption in 3 years and the funds are not there yet BUT we know God is bigger than funds and He will provide and bring to completion what HE has placed in our hearts. We have seen cyber friends put Chip in's on their blogs and generous friends, family and anonymous people have donated so I reluctantly said at first no way.. then prayed about it.. obviously my mind was changed. People are generous and kind. This is one more way that God can use someone to bless someone else's life. So that is why there is a Chip in on our blog.
I hope that updates you as much as possible to what is going on in our lives.
And lastly, if I am going to write on here (try my best) everyday.. I will let you in on some secrets:
J=My name is Jill (stay at home mom/wife/home-schooler)
B=Bob is my husband (daddy and AF flyer)
S1=SarahGrace is the sweet & compassionate yet bossy momma bear
S2=Sophia is the hilarious firecracker from Hunan
D1=Daniel is the sweetie pie that doesn't stop moving
D2=and finally Drew is our little one we are trying to bring home
if you didn't already figure it out ;o)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I had to grab my camera... B was putting new bottoms on the stools in the kitchen and when S2 heard the hammer she came running.. with D1's hammer in hand.. and she brought an extra hammer for D1.. too cute.. B "quick job" took a little longer but it was well worth it...

Have you looked at the moon tonight?? It is beautiful. THe lunar eclipse is amazing. I tried to grab some photos but my camera would not allow me to get the reds I was seeing with my eye. I will post one photo.. although I know if you go onto tomorrow someone probably got a great shot!

Friday, February 15, 2008

have you seen the Chinese ballet dancers? Cut one of the links below and put it in your browser to view the YouTube video. It is beautiful.
Here is the email (below I cut and pasted)I received with the youtube video link and info:

You will want to read this inspiring story before viewing the performance. It is a source of encouragement in the face of adversity. Unless you have already received this link, I doubt very much that you've ever seen anything like it. This is really incredible!
A Chinese modern dance competition on TV and one very unique couple won one of the top prizes. The lady, in her 30's, was a dancer who had trained since she was a little girl. Later in life, she lost her entire left arm in an accident and fell into a state of depression for a few years. Someone then asked her to coach a Children's dancing group. From that point on, she realized that she could not forget dancing. She still loved to dance and wanted to dance again. So, she started to do some of her old routines, but, having lost her arm, she had also lost her balance. It took a while before she could even make simple turns and spins without falling.
Then she heard of a man in his 20s who had lost a leg in an accident. He had also fallen into the usual denial, depression and anger type of emotional roller coaster. But, she determined to find him (seemingly he was from a different Province) and persuade him to dance with her. He had never danced, and to "dance with one leg...are you joking with me? No way!" But, she didn't give up, and he reluctantly agreed thinking, "I have nothing else to do anyway."

She started to teach him dancing. The two broke up a few times because he had no concept of using muscle, how to control his body, and knew none of the basic things about dancing. When she became frustrated and lost patience with him, he would walk out. Eventually, they came back together and started training seriously. They hired a choreographer to design routines for them .
In the competition, as you will see, they dance beautifully and they legitimately won the competition.
I would like to share with you this most magnificent and touching performance I have ever is living proof that strong human spirit can conquer any physical limitations!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

she said. "I have to remember, 'Do not tell God how big your storm is, but tell the storm how big your God is.'

I read an article today, emailed to me by a friend, that was INCREDIBLE. In this article the above qoute was given.. I do believe that is what my saying is going to be this upcoming year.. last year I kept saying.. stretching and growing, stretching and growing..
Of course, I don't want to stop stretching and growing! Currently, I am asking God to show me how to become a better wife. How can I better minister to my husband. I listened to a wonderful testimony yesterday on the radio,
it was a Focus on the Family program 2/11/08 Love in the Midst of Alzhimers
I encourage you to listen to the show.
Anyway, God has been showing me through his word (the Bible) and programs like this, and friends (their Godly marriages) what a biblical wife looks like to God. "B" is a gift that God gave me. Only to ME. It is like He wrapped him up and hand delivered Him to ME. I want to treat "B" and the Lord with the upmost care and love. This gift is precious. In a couple of weeks we will celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary and if you haven't guessed yet.. I tend to get a little sappy this when we approach this milestone :O)
So back to the article and off my little tangent :O) The article, for me at least pretains to the adoption that we are going through. It is like none other. Funny, all of my children were born in the same country(except S1) yet, the adoptions are vastly different... this one takes the cake for trust, leap of faith and HUH? Because it completely caught us off guard and the red thread is more tightly woven than ever before....
have a lovely, God filled day..
May the week bring you goodies and surprises and lots of chocolates!
The actual article was about doctors trying to coax a family into aborting twins b/c they had "medical issues". One baby was born with a cleft and one was born healthy but had tested postive for Downs. The couple chose to NOT abort either twin!
You can google this and find the article in its entirity:
Faith, not 'facts', carries woman forward
By Dan Irwin

Juan and Robert

As you know we had to say good-bye to Juan. He graduated from Compassion Int's program (he is 18 now) and therefore our sponsorshp of him is complete. We received a beautiful letter from him.
We also received our new packet and info on Robert. He lives in the Philippines and is 13.

Please be in prayer for Juan and Robert and their families and ours.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy (1 day late) Chinese New Year!! It is year of the RAT. My kids are thrilled b/c they LOVE Ratatouille (by Disney). And at this age.. that is cool :O)
We started the celebration out by having the children making lanterns this year. They made beautiful ones (wouldn't a mother say that?!!) and on Saturday we are meeting up with several other families in the communtiy to have a Chinese dinner celebration. These famiies look just like us - formed by Gods amazing love with children from China. We always have a great time with them. The entire family comes and we just have fun!

So, Gung Hay Fat Choy - ya'all!! meaning = peace and prosperity
also, you will need to mute the regular music :O) to hear the video music

Our Adoption Video at BOTTOM..

Our daughter's video is at the bottom (not the ones on the side) of the blog...
I for the life of me could not figure out how to put this video anywhere else and have it fit so you could view the entire screen... except at the bottom...
There are a few photos missing that I really want in there.. so I am working on that.. plus there are several more songs that I am working on.. I am a bit sick with a cold and snuggled up in my easy chair what a better way to pass the time.. plus I have been trying to grab some video off our cameras for someone (Tonya!) and still can't figure it out... I don't have the correct cable so I am told...

S1 has been home for 3+ years.. about time I started working on her video!
let me know what you think...this is for her and the Glory of God!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Half the Sky HELP

I am asking for you to help and pray for the caregivers and orphans and people in China. They are having extreme weather right now. Please visit this site,
or you can go to their main site of Half the Sky Foundation at
If every person gave 1 dollar, or 5 or more.. we could make a difference.. these children need us.. the caregivers need us... I trust this organization completely.

Please at the very least go to the site and find out how you can pray for them.
thank you so very much,

Friday, February 1, 2008

is it a book no a truck... no a book...

That truck is a book. Isn't that the neatest thing! S1 picked it out for D1. :O) It folds in and out. It also can go flat to make a mat for your cars to ride on the road.. I bought it at the local "ollies" for FOUR DOLLARS :O) double bonus. the kids love it.
What a beautiful night.
I have to go to sleep but wanted to post these couple photos.. I have many photos to post from the last month. I will try to catch up this weekend!

Happy birthday Chelsea and Elizabeth (on the 31st)!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

HAPPY FAMILY DAY D1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We can't believe it has been ONE YEAR since we have officially became a family of FIVE. What a year it has been. God has blessed us, stretched us and shown us who we are in ways that at times.. I really didn't want to see! And in the end, so thankful He showed me this little boy across the world and that little boys are NOT scary! Little boys are darling. Little boys are fun, sweet and never ending bundle of energy. D1 has shown me more into my relationship with my husband. God has used D1 to show me more about me - both as a mother and a wife. I am so thankful.
Today we woke up and baked cupcakes.. D1 said it is my birthday!! I love cupcakes and Chinese food! I told him, well you do get both of those but it is not your birthday but it is your special day and our special day today together as a family. It has been a whole year that you have been a Shelton and we are celebrating God bringing us together. He is so happy.
About a month ago, it finally set in that I, as his mother, was not going any where. It finally set in that I, as his mother, was permanent. As a mom, this broke my heart that he didn't understand I was around for the long haul like it or not :O) but b/c we have been foster parents we were familiar with this heartbreaking.. However, we understood this was not to take it personally it would just take time and lots of love and patince.
So that has been our hurdle over this past year. D1 was in foster care and they moved him quite a bit back and forth to the orphanage to foster care in preparation for us (doesn't make sense to us either). We know God protected him. This child is so sweet and caring. We are so thankful for all the caring females in his little life until God united us. He bonded well and adjusted perfectly. He is a cuddle bug loves to be with me.. he just didn't think I was going to stick around...
Last month, he came up to me in his little 3 1/2 year old voice and said "you are my pretty princess. please don't leave." I said, I am not going anywhere d1 - I am your mommy- i love you. He then said." we are a family you don't leave me" " i said, no buddy, I am not leaving. I sometimes go on dates with daddy, or to the store or to bible study at church but I will come back. I will never leave you (and under my breath begging God to never take me from this child and let me live all my days to be my son's mother!) D1 started to cry and he was so serious he then held me and of course I was crying at this point!
B came home from work that day and D1 walked straight up to him and said, my pretty princess mommy is my family and she is not leaving. I love her. She loves me."
B looked at me and I just wept. B said whoa - looks like we had a major break through today!
And since then... the real bonding between mother and son has begun.. the trust and the love has begun..
I can not wait for what is in store for for the up coming year and the years to follow...
please pray for my family when you think of us. :O)
Tonight, we will be joyful and celebrate our Gotcha Day/Family Day.. and remember our time in China one year ago today...

I can hardly stand it!!!!

My girlfriend is a LID of 12/29/05.. for her first child... and I am just giddy over the fact that just around the corner she will be traveling to China and meeting they will be meeting their daughter! They are so close yet in their hearts it feels like it will never happen.. we can all relate can't we.. whether we have waited for that due date and were dieing to meet the child we carried in our wombs or/and we saw our child's face from a photo and carried them in our heart until the day we finally met them.. we all loved them the same.. in our hearts.. dreaming about the day we FINALLY get to hold them, smell them and kiss them.
I am so overjoyed that I feel my heart bubbling over with excitement for "A" and the adventure that is about to happen... I look at S2 and a flood of memories come crashing back and I weep at what is about to happen in their lives.. the joy and the healing and love. The love that you never knew could exist yet knew was there the moment the photo of your daughter was stretched across the table to you... aaahh ...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Good morning!!

I have spent way too much time on this blog tonight and now morning! I neglected some important jobs around the house so I will be absent from the blog for a couple of days.. no surprise huh! :O)

Have a blessed day!

Adding the music has made me feel better.. praise God while I was searching for songs was relaxing and I was able to pray inbetween songs and during.. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did tonight.

Thanks kathy for your site so I could add the music to mine!

Monday, January 21, 2008

I am sad today.

I am sad today b/c we lost our Compassion International sponsorship child from Columbia. But not in the way that you might think .. it is in a good way.. he has graduated the program. He is about to graduate high school. SO we do rejoice and praise God that our Juan has made it! Over the years we have seen him grow into a Godly young man (from afar). We have read his letters, sent him letters and have love to pray for him. We have, at times had our church pray for him during trials in his life.. so to say that I am sad, is an understatement. I guess I didn't anticipate the call to come... what was I thinking.. we would grow old together? He has a wonderful family, siblings, parents - I know this b/c we pray for them! We (both him and us talk about them!!) so what was I thinking? I have hung his photo on our refrigerator for over 2 years... he has been a part of our lives.. and now? what poof.. nothing... now we will never hear of him or his life again? I am sadden by this fact.. this truth.. this tragedy.. agh.
Juan, as said in our closure letter.. more detailed of course.. we wish you peace, happiness, and God's love - always. We have loved you from afar and you will remain in our thoughts and hearts forever. I will miss you terribly. I will miss our correspondence. Jesus loves you!! We love you.
J. and family.
I look forward to forming a new sponsorship/friendship with our new child from the Philippines.. I lived there for 2 years as a teenager.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Steven Curtis Chapman HERE I COME

I am so HAPPY... B just surprised me with tickets to the SCC concert in Baltimore! WOOHOO AND it is the same time as our 12th wedding anniversary ~ perfect!

see the pretty little girl in the white dress.. under grants and in the main frame that comes and goes... thats my baby girl S2!! isn't she precious...

getting a grant for Sophia three years ago from Shaohannahs hope, changed our lives. What a fantastic organization that gives back!


I am struggling with something.. I password protected our adoption journey site to protect the kids.. it has information on their regarding our adoption of D. It was made during our life of going through the process.. so my struggle right now.. I share my password with friends and cyber buddies... and on our yahoo groups .. but am I not fully sharing the Glory of God when I am not shout His goodness in our life? The blessing he has given and how? Should I password protect it.. or let others see that we adopted this precious older "special needs" or "waiting child" - our son.. am I robbing God?
If you are reading this, give me some feed back.. again.. if I do open this up.. you will know who we are, kids names, ages, where we flew out of.. husbands job... and what ever else I have mentioned in prayer and converstation/journal..

Philip Hayden Foundation

There are some needs.. especially money right now for heat and sponsors... please pray for them and help if you are led this way...


you can also help at .