Monday, January 21, 2008

I am sad today.

I am sad today b/c we lost our Compassion International sponsorship child from Columbia. But not in the way that you might think .. it is in a good way.. he has graduated the program. He is about to graduate high school. SO we do rejoice and praise God that our Juan has made it! Over the years we have seen him grow into a Godly young man (from afar). We have read his letters, sent him letters and have love to pray for him. We have, at times had our church pray for him during trials in his life.. so to say that I am sad, is an understatement. I guess I didn't anticipate the call to come... what was I thinking.. we would grow old together? He has a wonderful family, siblings, parents - I know this b/c we pray for them! We (both him and us talk about them!!) so what was I thinking? I have hung his photo on our refrigerator for over 2 years... he has been a part of our lives.. and now? what poof.. nothing... now we will never hear of him or his life again? I am sadden by this fact.. this truth.. this tragedy.. agh.
Juan, as said in our closure letter.. more detailed of course.. we wish you peace, happiness, and God's love - always. We have loved you from afar and you will remain in our thoughts and hearts forever. I will miss you terribly. I will miss our correspondence. Jesus loves you!! We love you.
J. and family.
I look forward to forming a new sponsorship/friendship with our new child from the Philippines.. I lived there for 2 years as a teenager.

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