Friday, January 18, 2008


I am struggling with something.. I password protected our adoption journey site to protect the kids.. it has information on their regarding our adoption of D. It was made during our life of going through the process.. so my struggle right now.. I share my password with friends and cyber buddies... and on our yahoo groups .. but am I not fully sharing the Glory of God when I am not shout His goodness in our life? The blessing he has given and how? Should I password protect it.. or let others see that we adopted this precious older "special needs" or "waiting child" - our son.. am I robbing God?
If you are reading this, give me some feed back.. again.. if I do open this up.. you will know who we are, kids names, ages, where we flew out of.. husbands job... and what ever else I have mentioned in prayer and converstation/journal..

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