Friday, February 8, 2008

Our Adoption Video at BOTTOM..

Our daughter's video is at the bottom (not the ones on the side) of the blog...
I for the life of me could not figure out how to put this video anywhere else and have it fit so you could view the entire screen... except at the bottom...
There are a few photos missing that I really want in there.. so I am working on that.. plus there are several more songs that I am working on.. I am a bit sick with a cold and snuggled up in my easy chair what a better way to pass the time.. plus I have been trying to grab some video off our cameras for someone (Tonya!) and still can't figure it out... I don't have the correct cable so I am told...

S1 has been home for 3+ years.. about time I started working on her video!
let me know what you think...this is for her and the Glory of God!

1 comment:

cook2china said...

WOW! Your video of Sophia is just beautiful. I cried during the whole entire time. I've enjoyed reading your blog and keeping up with how you guys are doing. Don't forget that our door is always open here in TN. We love visitors. Keep in touch.
Ginger Cook