Tuesday, February 12, 2008

she said. "I have to remember, 'Do not tell God how big your storm is, but tell the storm how big your God is.'

I read an article today, emailed to me by a friend, that was INCREDIBLE. In this article the above qoute was given.. I do believe that is what my saying is going to be this upcoming year.. last year I kept saying.. stretching and growing, stretching and growing..
Of course, I don't want to stop stretching and growing! Currently, I am asking God to show me how to become a better wife. How can I better minister to my husband. I listened to a wonderful testimony yesterday on the radio, http://www.oneplace.com/Ministries/Focus_on_the_Family/Archives.asp?bcd=2008-2-11
it was a Focus on the Family program 2/11/08 Love in the Midst of Alzhimers
I encourage you to listen to the show.
Anyway, God has been showing me through his word (the Bible) and programs like this, and friends (their Godly marriages) what a biblical wife looks like to God. "B" is a gift that God gave me. Only to ME. It is like He wrapped him up and hand delivered Him to ME. I want to treat "B" and the Lord with the upmost care and love. This gift is precious. In a couple of weeks we will celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary and if you haven't guessed yet.. I tend to get a little sappy this when we approach this milestone :O)
So back to the article and off my little tangent :O) The article, for me at least pretains to the adoption that we are going through. It is like none other. Funny, all of my children were born in the same country(except S1) yet, the adoptions are vastly different... this one takes the cake for trust, leap of faith and HUH? Because it completely caught us off guard and the red thread is more tightly woven than ever before....
have a lovely, God filled day..
May the week bring you goodies and surprises and lots of chocolates!
The actual article was about doctors trying to coax a family into aborting twins b/c they had "medical issues". One baby was born with a cleft and one was born healthy but had tested postive for Downs. The couple chose to NOT abort either twin!
You can google this and find the article in its entirity:
Faith, not 'facts', carries woman forward
By Dan Irwin

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