Thursday, November 8, 2007


Today is very special in our family. It marks the 3rd year that my arms wrapped around my second child. It is the 3rd year that my ears have heard her voice, the 3rd year that my nose has smelled her hair, the 3rd year that my eyes have seen her face and the 3rd year that I have legally called her our daughter. I love this day because it takes me to a time when my husband and I were half a world away, anxious and excited, longing and light in our step, and weary and hoping and we felt in total obedience to the Lord. It was an enchanting moment. Time stood still and God allowed us to see the gift of adoption. We saw first hand how God views us in His sight and as His children, we are co-heirs with Christ. S2 and S1 are co-heirs to with each other just as we are co-heirs with Christ. These precious children are one in the same to us. One is adopted and one is biological yet there is no difference in our love for our children. And now this is true for our son that joined our family (also from China) this past January. I was never able to wrap my head around the fact that God loved me as much as he loves Christ. I believed the fact, I accepted the fact but I just couldn't understand why... until S2 came into our lives. Like us, she didn't do anything to 'deserve' to be in our family. She didn't pay her way into our family, she didn't earn her way into our family, BUT she was accepted unconditionally and loved by us. She was and is a member of our family forever and nothing will change that now. SO when we ask Christ into our lives to be our Saviour, we can't buy,earn or pay or deserve our way into Heaven but by the gift of Christ -from God- and the sacrifice of His bloodshed for our sins we are co-heirs with him {Christ}. I finally GOT IT. It was like God was saying SEE.. this is how much I love you. I too adopted you into my family once you received my son and I love you just the same as I love Christ! I make families. I made your family. I am God and I love you.
Maybe I am the one taking the slow boat... but it took my little precious S2 for me to see how much Jesus loves me... all the way in China... :O)
There are 15 other families today sharing this special day (the families we traveled with) and they have become very dear to our family over the years.. God bless you and may your day be special and made of memories and love.

We love you little spice girl. You are a gift from God that we will treasure forever. We pray for your happiness and love of Jesus. S2, you make us laugh and I mean belly laugh and you make us learn what being a parent is all about ;O))))
love you forever
mommy (and daddy)


Terry said...

Happy 3rd Gotcha!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's been three seems like just yesterday when you arrived in StL with S2!

We celebrated our 2nd Gotcha Day on the 12th!!

Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's already been 3 seems like just yesterday when you arrived home with S2!!

We celebrated our 2nd Gotcha Day on the 12th of November...nothing is better than being a mom!!

Love Ya!