Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I am so excited for our friends!!!!!!! They received their referral today. She called me at 12:30 and I rushed over (one whole long street LOL) and on that computer screen staring at us was the beautiful photo of their 7 month old daughter!
I AM SO GIDDY you would think Alice and I were related or something. HAHAHA. They have waited so LOOOOOOONNNNGGG and she says now.. LILY was totally worth the wait. It is so hard while we are going through any process, yet with God we can and will get to the other side. He is faithful. Today, so many dreams have come true for our dear friends.
Congratulations Alice and Wade. May God bless you as He forms your family!
AND congratulations to ALL the families that received referrals this week!
to see her photo go to Rumor Queen ( www.chinaadopttalk.com )and then under "babies" (march 3rd post) and then listed under the blog of "Lily Rolaine" (it is Alices sister-in-laws blog). Isn't she a pretty baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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