Saturday, March 1, 2008

What a beautiful day!

This past week was haaaarrrd... I was missing our son in China.. Sarah Grace was leaving notes on my mirror and having Sophia "delivering telegrams" to me that said, "I love a little orphan boy in China and his name is Drew" and "When will they let Drew come home".. notes like that.
So as I was trying my best to be strong for her, I was really weak. I was looking on the "shared list" for one agency and this precious little boy was there, okay TONS of precious children, so I inquired about this one little boy - however, my inquire didn't go through (I didn't know it at the time). The next day I received a letter in the mail from a lady at church and it was nothing but scripture verses. The very first one started out ... BE STILL, KNOW THAT I AM GOD! THen I called and found out my inquiry didn't go through and another agency "locked" the little boy! What a great week. I smiled. I knew that God was telling me to be patient (not my strong suit). I knew that God was telling me to sit down and be still.
THEN as I was crying yesterday b/c I was so bewildered at the time this was taking to figure everything out, today as I woke up I went to check our email and his little chubby checks were there. In the precious outfit we sent - playing with the truck we sent.. ohhhhhhhhhhhh my heart by still. He is so precious. I just want him home. However, God knows these FIVE photos will hold me tight for a little longer. It is so good to see his smiling little face. aaahhhhh. What a beautiful day.

PS.. my house just went on the market ~ there is no stress like selling a home! Please be in prayer fo rhte sell of our home. Thanks~


Mom to my China Posse said...

I know how inportant getting those photos are! When we endured the 4 year wait to find "Rachel" those phptos helped me a ton! I do want to tell you though that sometimes God might show you a differant little face along the wait not to make you give up but to let you know you just might have another child out there as well. We adopted Kenzie and Annah while looking for "Rachel" and I know if i hadn't been looking for Rachel i wouldn't have found either of my precious girls.
Good Luck on the hosue sell.


Crew of 5 for Jesus said...

Kathy, thank you. I love to hear your wisdom. You are a God send!
AND you are right, your girls are PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! :O))))