Saturday, March 1, 2008

Referrals are about to come for some!

I am so excited! Our friends are about to become parents to a child that lives in China. They are a LID 12/29/05! They have waited so long and we have prayed with them along the way. They have prayed with us as our journey has taken us to Daniel and now Drew and they have supported us and loved us as they patiently waited on God's timing for their child. I am beyond excited that within days they will hold the photo of their daughter! It gives me goosebumps when I think about it! I can't wait to see who she is, where she is, how old she is, what her name is, just everything about her. We already have a sitter ready for the entire week (not sure which day the referal will come in) so the adults can go to Texas Roadhouse for yummy steak celebration! Did I tell you how EXCITED I am? WOOHOO I am so giddy i can hardly stand it!

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